Introducing The Nutrition Cleanse
11th December 2013

Forget what you may have heard about detoxes, The Nutrition Cleanse is something else. By the end of it you will look and feel amazing, plus you’ll have learned just how good real foods can make you feel.
The Nutrition Cleanse is a 14-day structured metabolic detoxification program scientifically designed to help support the natural detoxification pathways of the liver. The program includes an elimination diet combined with targeted nutrition and supplementation.
The individual rate for The Nutrition Cleanse is £250 but three times a year (January, May and September) we offer it for a special rate of £160 for everyone joining our group Nutrition Cleanse. This price includes:
- A supplement protocol and all supplements required to complete The Nutrition Cleanse (retail £155.39).
- A food plan setting out the foods to be included and excluded from The Nutrition Cleanse.
- An example menu planner for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks over the 14-day period.
- Recipes for breakfasts, main meals, snacks, juices and soups.
- Pre and post Nutrition Cleanse questionnaires to track progress.
- On line support throughout the 14 day period.
Who would benefit from The Nutrition Cleanse?
Basically anyone who wants to give their body a fresh start. Maybe you’ve overdone it over a holiday period, maybe you want to try a new way of eating and need something to start you off. Or maybe you’re someone who thinks certain foods don’t agree with you but don’t know where to start with identifying the culprit foods.
The Nutrition Cleanse is also particularly suitable for anyone who:
- has difficulty loosing weight despite watching what they eat;
- experiences constipation and/or diarrhea on a regular basis or suffers from other symptoms often referred to as IBS;
- experiences symptoms of hormonal imbalance, for example PMS, PCOS, endometriosis or infertility;
- regularly uses over the counter or prescription medicine;
- feels vaguely unwell, achy and/or experiences persistent fatigue;
- suffers from multiple allergies and/or chemical sensitivities;
- has a past history of exposure to toxins, whether chronic or one-off; and
- has an auto-immune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, psoriasis, MS, endometriosis, AI hypothyroidism etc.
Want to join us?
Get in touch!