Roast Sweet Potatoes with Dijon Mustard
24th August 2014

Works with anything and easy as – well – cut up potatoes
1.2kg sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into long wedge-like chunks
Extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon onion seeds
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
2 red onions, peeled, halved and thinly sliced
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
150g crème fraiche
Rocket or watercress to serve 4
Serves 4
- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Toss the potatoes in a bowl with three tablespoons of olive oil, the onion seeds and the seasoning. Then tip into a roasting tin so that they form a single layer (maybe use two tins).
- Roast for 30-40 mins, stirring half-way through.
- At the same time, toss the onions in a couple of tablespoons of the oil and spread onto a baking sheet and roast for 15-17 minutes, stirring half-way through.
- Blend the mustard and the crème fraiche, add a little salt.
- Mix the onions and the sweet potatoes. Toss the watercress and the rocket in some olive oil and salt.
- Serve the potatoes with the mustard spooned on top, on a pile of watercress/rocket.
Categories: Recipes