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Posts in Sport & Exercise

Exercise Can Extend Your Life by as Much as Five Years

Adults who include at least 150 minutes of physical activity in their routines each week live longer than those who don’t, finds a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the National Health Interview Study mortality linkage,...

Categories: Sport & Exercise, Healthy Aging


Leisure-Time Physical Activity Extends Life Expectancy as Much as 4.5 Years

Leisure-time physical activity is associated with longer life expectancy, even at relatively low levels of activity and regardless of body weight, according to a study by a team of researchers led by the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. The study found that people who engaged...

Categories: Sport & Exercise, Healthy Aging, Metabolic Health


What you do in your 20s Can Impact Your Heart Health in Your 40s

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle from young adulthood into your 40s is strongly associated with low cardiovascular disease risk in middle age, according to a new study.

The study, the first to show the association of a healthy lifestyle maintained throughout young adulthood and middle age with low cardiovascular...

Categories: Nutritional News, Sport & Exercise, Healthy Aging, Metabolic Health


Regular Physical Activity Reduces Risk of Dementia in Older People

Regular physical activity may help older people reduce their chances of getting dementia.

In a new study published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, older, non-disabled people who regularly engaged in physical activity reduced their risk of vascular-related dementia by 40 percent and cognitive...

Categories: Sport & Exercise, Healthy Aging


Exercise Makes Middle-Aged People Smarter

High-intensity interval training makes middle-aged people not only healthier but smarter, shows a Montreal Heart Institute study.

The participants in the study, who all had a body-mass index (BMI) between 28 and 31 (overweight) in addition to one or more other cardiovascular risk factors, followed a four-month...

Categories: Sport & Exercise, Healthy Aging

