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Posts in Nutritional News

Vitamin D May Prevent Clogged Arteries in Diabetics

People with diabetes often develop clogged arteries that cause heart disease, and new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that low vitamin D levels are to blame.

In a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers report that blood vessels are less...

Categories: Nutritional News, Metabolic Health


High Plasma Levels of Vitamin D Protects Against Bladder Cancer

High levels of vitamin D are associated with protection against bladder cancer, according to a multidisciplinary study coordinated by the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, the conclusions of which were published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute.

The authors of the study took blood samples from...

Categories: Nutritional News


Couple of Weekly Portions of Oily Fish Can Help Ward off Strokes

Eating at least two servings of oily fish a week is moderately but significantly associated with a reduced risk of stroke, finds a study published in the British Medical Journal.

Regular consumption of fish and long chain omega 3 fatty acids has been linked with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and...

Categories: Nutritional News, Metabolic Health


Craving fast food? Skip the coffee

Eating a fatty fast food meal is never good for you, but washing that meal down with a coffee is even worse, according to a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Not only do a healthy person’s blood sugar levels spike after eating a high-fat meal, but the spike doubles after having both a fatty meal...

Categories: Nutritional News, Hormonal Health


Can Eating Beetroot Help You To Run Faster?

Recent research suggests beetroot juice consumption improves time to exhaustion during exercise – meaning you’ll have more energy for a longer period – and reduces the oxygen cost of exercise. But does this translate into actual performance gains?

A small scale study published in the Journal of the Academy of...

Categories: Nutritional News, Sport & Exercise

